October 4th, 2012
Over thirty projects in Montreal Island (La Presse Affaires – in French only)
October 4th, 2012
Office Space in Montreal
No shortage in sight… for now (La Presse Affaires – French only)
September 29th, 2012
150 Bloor West in the news
Louis Vuitton opened its newest Louis Vuitton Maison at 150 Bloor West in Toronto.
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September 10th, 2012
« Buy low and keep » seems to work as Kevric’s operating formula
It is a simple strategy that most real estate companies at least pay lip service to: buy underpriced properties, fix’em, fill’em and either sell or keep them.
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January 13th, 2012
Interview with Richard Hylands
Richard Hylands interview, January 2012, for The World Show hosted by Robert Scully.
December 5th, 2011
What Lies Beneath – Tapping Geothermal Heat in Montreal (Globe & Mail)
Next spring, a 35-story mixed-use office tower and condo project will be built at the mouth of the Quartier-International district of Montreal. From the outside, the Altoria will glisten like other glass towers in Toronto and Vancouver – but what lies below its foundation will help define the next generation of urban offices.
Read the press release -
September 13th, 2011
Richard Hylands, creator of value (Commercial real estate)
The announcement, last spring, that work had begun on Altoria, the first complex built in Montreal since 2000, has given a breath of fresh air to the city’s commercial real estate industry, as well as consolidating the business vocation of the Quartier International.
Read the press release – in French only